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Movement for You in 2022

Daydree Horner

Movement is an action that we champion. When there’s movement in our lives often good changes are afoot - growth towards greater wellness, progress in a relationship or even our career.

But sometimes movement stagnates and our flow is in need of some resuscitation.

Create to resuscitate.

Being in the state of creation is a powerful tool which is healing, inspiring and a beautiful way to love ourselves through self-expression. Also, when we’re in a state of creation, we promote movement in our lives. And now more than ever, especially in the new year, we all want to move forward.

There are benefits when we are creative. Not only is it a form of self love that promotes progress in our lives. But also, creativity fosters inner joy because we are consistently nurturing our happiness.

Obviously, the ultimate form of creation occurs with birth. But if you can’t make that happen right now, we’ve got some more practical ideas…

Start by thinking about your passions and/or skills. Is it crafting, starting a wellness group or planting an indoor garden? Whatever it is, you want it engaging enough that you will follow through with it. Think: Happy butterflies in your stomach. Also, pick something that has a beginning, middle and end. That way it will be more satisfying for you. No one wants an endless project… unless you love that sort of thing. And of course, begin! I support your new endeavor. :)

In these challenging times, there are an array of things that can deplete us emotionally. But when we create, we heal ourselves by filling our cup.

Take care of yourselves and each other.




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